Pole Wrapping / Wrapping
The fabric is tied onto a pole or another plastic item that will serve as it's middle. It is tied once or twice.
Another option is to fold, wrap and tie the fabric into itself.
If ouy want to try at home, I prepared a chart of how to do that even without a pole.

Clamping / Folding
The fabric is ironed to strips, then ironed to squares, triangles or random shapes. Creating a repeat pattern. Two wood boards are clamped and tightened into the fabric (wood can be in different shapes and sizes to form different patterns)

Tying / Knotting
Fabric is tied in different shapes from circles to random clouds. In order to get accurate shapes fabric can be stitched along a line and then tied.

Fabric is either free handed sewn or marked in a desired pattern, it can be folded to create a repeat before it is sewn. The fabric is sewn either in running stitch or whip stitch (or experimental stitch) and tightened.