Textilreise von West nach Ost - Russland und seine Nachbarländer
The exhibition opened on the 29. October 2015 till the 5. February 2016 in the Tolstoy library in Munich.
The exhibition travelled to Erding as part of the Patchwork fair on the 13th of March 2016 in Erding's town hall.
I also got to meet the curator Christine Ober there.
My work in the show represented Japan, in it I demonstrated a Shibori tecnique and applique.
*Images at the Tolstoi library by Christine Ober

Christine Ober, the curator of the show collected textiles and surface embelishments inspired by techniques created in Rusland and its neighbouring countries.
Different cultures meet in Russia and its neighbouring lands. The route begins in central Russia and leads to north east Europe, over the Caucasus and central Asia reaching Japan. The exhibition explores the characteristic motives and techniques of tratitional textile design of those areas.
Exerpt from the catalogue:
"In Russland und seinen Nachbarländern treffen
unterschiedliche Kulturen mit faszinierenden
Techniken kunsthandwerklicher Textilgestaltung
aufeinander. Ich möchte Ihnen die Länder
und ihre Traditionen vorstellen."
- Christine Ober -
To the show on the curators website.